In October 2013 we began to intodruce a technique how to make a simple chess set from 3 shests of paper plus a card board,
beginning in a family in Soweto The pieces shown here are the original ones you see in the YouTube-link!. *
Gaining some experience with this system in Prmary Schools in Soweto we wish to give you some advice how you can do it
at your school, and what needs to be observed for best results.

Size of the Board:
In Oct. 2013 we started with a board 26 x 26 cm, with a recommended card board of 27 x 27 cm or so.
This board with pieces on it looks this way (the printouts are already for the larger set):
This gives a board which fits into the school bag of pupils with ease.
But, this board cannot be used with pieces made of bottle tops, it becomes too narrow to place the pieces on the board !
Another disadvantage: The bottle tops touch each other in the beginning of the game.
Therefore: We recommend to use the board 110%:
- it enables you to use bottle tops, they are more easly at hand in schools
- when used with botttle tops it gives a better board, makes the best design
- the size of this board is 29 x 29 cm, but better put it on a cardboard of 30 x 30 cm.
The result you see here:
Chess Board 29 x 29 cm:
The 100% board size 26 x 26 cm left, the 110% board with 29 x 29 cm on right.
Attetion: The smaller board does not take the plastic bottle tops - too narrow!
Board 29 x 29 with metal pieces and plastic bottle-tops: